Fishing for data:
Collaborative ocean data where it is
needed most.
Connecting and benefiting fisheries, science and maritime industries.

We provide data collection as a service, where no one else can. From evaluating data gaps, instrumenting the vessels to fill those gaps, and delivering data automatically in real-time to improve your ocean model and operational forecasts.

Data management network & Platform
Interested in fishing for data yourself? We are here to help you join the emerging global community of science and industry lead programs collecting ocean data with fishers. Together we are stronger: centralized and FAIR data flows are key to increasing value and impact for all stakeholders.
Collaborative integration of sensors with fishing can fill some of the most pressing gaps in our sustained ocean monitoring. Fishing vessels operate exactly where autonomous platforms cannot, leading to a surprising lack of data close to shore compared with the open ocean.
We enable cost-effective collection of ocean data, by equipping fishing gears with sensors. Profiles of temperature, salinity, and other essential ocean variables are measured, sent to the vessel, and then onto users in real time. Additional sensors can collect sea-surface and meteorological parameters for a full suite of co-located ocean data streams.

A win-win for fishing: catch more of your target species while avoiding by-catch by understanding the ocean conditions preferred by different species.
High quality profile data from the most dynamic regions in your model domain. Increase the value of sparse existing observations.
Oceans have absorbed more than 90% of global warming, yet we are barely taking its temperature. Our data is particularly impactful in marginal sea ice polar regions.
Existing modeled ocean data is not adequately accurate for the ecosystem-based science and management of the future, especially in shelf and coastal seas.
“Ocean data is necessary to manage the economic development of our seas and oceans responsibly”
OECD 2019

Stakeholder driven science
Engaging fishers as ocean observation empowers them to contribute to improved management. while educating non-traditional citizen scientists, which can lead to further dialogues and collaborations.

The blue data
The severe lack of ocean data has prevented the blue economy from experiencing the big data revolution. Fishing for data can enable a digital twin of the ocean, especially as this data is in the shelf and coastal regions where maritime activities are concentrated.

Democratizing Ocean Observation
Sustained ocean observation is prohibitively expensive for many nations. Collaboration and integration enables cost-effective ocean observation capacity development in many regions where it was previously inaccessible.
Photo by Pedro Rappé